これまでに書いてきたことを用いて, 山手線内回りを例に放送の原稿を書いてみました。
- 山手線で注意すべき案内ポイント
- 東京→神田
- 神田→秋葉原
- 秋葉原→御徒町
- 御徒町→上野
- 西日暮里→田端
- 大塚→池袋
- 池袋→目白
- 新大久保→新宿
- 大崎→品川: 空港アクセスの情報は強調した方が良いです。
- 有楽町→東京
・山手線は駅間が短いので, できるだけ最短が取れるようにしました。
・地下鉄路線名はアルファベット1文字にし, 煩雑さを避けます。
・JRの路線にも記号ができたので, JRの路線も記号化すべきでしょうか?
記号だらけだと無機質になりますが, 2文字の記号を導入したときからそれは予想できそうなものです・・
This is a Yamanote counterclockwise train for Ueno and Ikebukuro. Next stop: Kanda.
Transfer is available to the JR: Chuo line and the Metro G trains. Doors to the left.
Next stop: Akihabara.
Transfer is available to the JR: Sobu line local services, Suburban train: TX (Tsukuba Express), and the Metro H trains. Doors to the left.
Next stop: Okachimachi.
Transfer is available to the Toei Subway E trains. Doors to the left.
Next stop: Ueno.
Transfer is available to the JR: Utsunomiya, Takasaki, Joban lines; and to the Metro G and H trains.
Transfers to Shinkansen and Interregional limited express trains are also available.
Ueno Station. Doors to the left.
Next stop: Tabata.
This is the final transfer point for Northbound Keihin-Tohoku line. Passengers for Kawaguchi and Urawa, please transfer here for a Keihin-Tohoku Northbound train. Doors to the left.
京浜東北線北行きをご利用のお客様は, この駅が最後の乗換駅です。
川口, 浦和へおこしのかたは京浜東北線北行きをこの駅からご利用ください。お出口は左側です。
Next stop: Ikebukuro.
Transfer is available to the JR: Saikyo and Shonan-Shinjuku lines, Suburban trains: TJ (Tobu Tojo) and SI (Seibu Ikebukuro), and the Metro F, M, and Y trains. Doors to the left/right.
Next stop: Mejiro. Doors to the right.
Next stop: Shinjuku.
Transfer is available to the JR: Chuo rapid and local services, Saikyo, Shonan-Shinjuku lines; and to the Suburban OH, KO trains, and the Metro E, M, and S trains. Doors to the right.
大崎→品川: 空港アクセスの情報は強調した方が良いです。
Next stop: Shinagawa.
Transfer is available to the JR: Tokaido, Ueno-Tokyo, Joban, Sobu line rapid service, Yokosuka, and the Southbound Keihin-Tohoku lines; and Suburban train: KK (Keikyu). Transfer to Shinkansen and Interregional limited express trains are also available.
Airport connection is available from this station. Haneda Airport passengers, change here for the suburban KK train.
Narita Airport passengers, change here for the JR Narita Express on platform 13.
Shinagawa Station. Doors to the right.
乗換のご案内: JR東海道, 上野東京, 常磐, 総武快速, 横須賀各線と京浜東北線南行, 京急線にお乗換えができます。
新幹線, 長距離特急への乗換えも可能です。
品川, お出口は右側です。
Next stop: Tokyo.
Transfer is available to the JR: Chuo, Tokaido, Ueno-Tokyo, Joban, Sobu line rapid service, Yokosuka, and Keiyo lines; and the Metro M train.
Transfer to North- and Eastbound Shinkansen and Interregional limited express trains are also available.
Narita Airport connection is available from this station on the Sobu underground platforms 3 and 4.
Tokyo Station. Doors to the left.